The Catastrophic History of You and Me. Jess Rothenberg

The Catastrophic History of You and Me - Jess Rothenberg This story revolves around a girl named Brie or Aubrie is her full name, before she even gets to live as a sixteen year old she dies of heartbreak. Once you've finished this book you can see a huge change in Brie, she starts of this totally psycho girlfriend and ends up this being this old soul in a way. Then there is Patrick a dead guy who starts talking to Brie even though she would rather be left alone, he was charming and sometimes it was easy to see why Brie would want to be left alone, I mean come one the girl was getting called cheese nicknames every time he said something. He was also mysterious as you didn't know much about him, like how he died, where he came from or how old he was. Then you have some living characters like Brie's Dad, Brie's Mum, Bries brother Jack her families dog Hamloaf. There was also Brie's three friends Sadie, Emma and Tess, and last bu not least Jacob Brie's boyfriend or used to be boyfriend anyway. All the characters in this book had a role to play okay maybe some did more than others however it all worked in the end, there are also other characters who I haven't mentioned because I think it's best if you just read about them yourselves.I thought this was a very well thought out idea, and it takes a new and unique prospective on what happens after death. It was a very eye opening book and be warned you will need a tissue I was left in tears at the end, but not necessarily because it was sad but because it was happy. At one point I was left sitting there thinking "Wait, I don't get it..." but after reading it again I got it, if I could explain this book in one sentence it would be, a more modern version of Ghost with a twist. The only reason I couldn't give it 5 stars is because although it was really good it wasn't one of those books I could jump around and say, hey! this is amazing! although if I was you I would definitely add this a box of Kleenex to your wishlist. I loved that you also didn't know what was going to happen next, I mean it felt like I knew what was going on but really in the end it works out that I really had no clue.Overall a delightful story about love, life, death, family and friendship, it will make cry, laugh and maybe even look at life in another way it's definitely a memorable story.